European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) and UNI Europa ICTS have brought out a research paper about the effects of emerging technologies on sustainability and whether or not the telecommunications workforce will need any new knowledge and skills to keep pace with cutting-edge technology. This project is only one of the activities rolled out under the “Accelerating Sustainability in Telecoms,” which is EU-financed.
This report profiles the great growth capabilities of eleven new technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Edge Computing, the Internet of Things, Broadband Composition, and Quantum Technologies, in social and ecological sustainability provision. These technologies are crucial in speeding up technology use and reducing the industry’s carbon footprint.
Europe’s telecom sector, which relies on at least 80% of energy use on renewables, has identified environmental conservation as its priority and targets reducing carbon emissions significantly. According to the study, the 174 billion euro investment gap is critical to fully utilizing and adopting these technologies. Closing this gap will be imperative with the multiplication of demands for more complex energy-saving methods in various sectors.
Likewise, small and major players in telecoms are changing into digital service providers, creating products that further energy efficiency for home and business consumers. As a result, this doubles their importance and direction for society’s sustainability. Also, it offers an innovative approach that can mirror the businesses of other sectors.
As much as technological advancement goes and offers many benefits, there are problems that also accompany the situation, which include workers and labor markets. AI and IoT, for example, their applications create debates. At the same time, they aid in better safety conditions and contribute to improving the well-being of those who execute tiresome, dull tasks due to their skills in carrying out all these routines.
The usage of 5G/6G technology and cloud computing is the origin of the appearance of telework and hybrid work approaches. Thus, it will change the work organization and possibly the health and safety of workers. As roles in the workplace also become dynamic, so does the requirement for upgrading and constant skills development. For now, technologies are the primary business issue and are pushing telecoms to be more tech-focused, with cloud, photonics, and IOT making the list with the highest demand.
The study emphasizes the need to involve the stakeholders from the start of the technology deployment stage. Consulting employee delegates and trade unions may put the workers’ interests alongside the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology. Social dialogue and collective bargaining have to be synchronized in telecom companies’ activities to address various issues like increased or decreased labor demand, better workers’ rights, optimum working conditions, and the happiness and safety of workers.
Lise Fuhr, Director General of ETNO, highlighted the study’s importance: “To determine the influence of emerging technologies on the way of working, we must study those technologies deeper to be able to make a full, positive contribution to creating more chances for broader workforce participation and environment protection.”
The holistic exploration here is to pave the way for technology integration into the industry and to develop a guideline on addressing the socio-economic challenges the integration incurs.
However, as we are standing on the edge of the transformative era in this sector, these report findings may play the role of a map that points to the governmental policies and corporate strategies aiming to achieve an inclusive and environmentally friendly digital future.
News sourced from:ETNO blogpost