
After gray zone warfare has just been released, the developers of Madfinger Games are extremely prompt in getting in touch with the player base and making changes to match the feedback they have received from the players. The more pressing issue is that of the game’s system of factions, which blocked players to join game servers of different factions. This made it impossible for friends to fight together if they had selected their sides differently. The main issue for that community led to a lack of satisfaction, culminating in a spike of inquiries about the solution.

Addressing player concerns

Madfinger Games released a patch to introduce a function that allows players to switch sides on a thunderstick stage. This addition grants the player the choice of expressing their loyalty by going over to the other side, which makes it really fun to play the game regardless of what faction one chooses to follow.

In Gray Zone Warfare, players can choose from three private military company (PMC) factions: LRRI, the security behemoth by the name Mithras Security Systems, and the international relief agency, CS International. The faction you choose has a distinctive base of operations that is placed where it can be used as a strategic advantage among the many spots along the game’s large map. Invariably, players were subject to their chosen faction at their inception, which factors any possible allies or foes closely.

In order to change factions now, players have a widespread possibility of accessing the main menu now, and thereby triggering a character reset. Which will return the players’ progress to the starting point. In another act of relaunching the game, players will go through the character creation and receive the corresponding gear, depending on the edition pack that they had purchased.

Faction change functionality

It should be borne in mind that a character’s elision of progress is the final matter. Alongside this, performers will need to refrain from performing another wipe for an hour, which would grant a break time between factions. Working in a close-knit group gives players an advantage in the game. To do so, they are encouraged to reach out to peers before wiping to synchronize faction picks.

Introducing the faction change feature is just one of the things that the last hotfix did. Another fix for problems highlighted by the players has also been implemented. This game is an exception of the past bugs of various titles like the “missing head” bug and instances of missing secure containers have been repaired by using the wipe option. Besides, this update focuses on increasing players’ gaming experience with such factors as optimizations and performance betterments.